The DJI Mic Mini takes all the best features from the popular DJI Mic 2 and puts them into a smaller form factor, but is it ...
If that’s a concern, you’ll need to rely on your recording software, such as DJI’s Mimo app, which can capture a second ...
大疆发布了DJI Mic Mini迷你无线麦克风 DJl Mic Mini 发射器小巧轻便,仅重10克,戴在身上近乎无感,且支持磁吸、夹持等多种佩戴方式,不坠衣领。 充电盒能够一体式收纳两个发射器、一个接收器、连接头与防风毛套;发射器上的毛套无需取下 ...
DJI has announced the DJI Mic Mini, which weighs half as much as the DJI Mic 2. It also costs way less than its elder sibling ...