The new animated series, Jentry Chau vs. The Underworld, starring Beef star Ali Wong as the title character, will premiere on Netflix in December 2024. It’s created by Echo Wu and animated by Gotham ...
The “Beef” Emmy winner and “Single Lady” headliner executive produces and voice acts in the upcoming 13-episode animated series “Jentry Chau vs the Underworld,” premiering on the ...
The trial of alleged underworld gang bosses Jerome “Donkie” Booysen, André Naude and 13 others is expected to resume in the High Court in Cape Town today. The matter was postponed last week after ...
Through Vic, The Penguin subtly examines class and survival, adding a sense of empathy to the underworld’s brutal landscape. The chemistry between Vic and Oz offers a surprising emotional counterpoint ...
South Africans need to be in the know if we want to create a prosperous future. News24 has kept the country informed for 25 years, and we're about to enter a new chapter of fearless journalism. Join ...
Planning can be substandard, as the city’s long list of wrong-victim underworld homicides demonstrates. And there are many instances where, even with a target at point-black range, the job has ...
Loki proposes a deal to Luffy: free him, and he’ll crush any pirate crew of Luffy’s choosing. Loki explains that their snowy forest is called the Elbaph’s “Underworld,” a prison and execution ground ...
His links to the underworld were also no secret. He was gunned down on Sunday in the parking lot of the Garden Route Mall in George. Lifman is believed to have been shot five times and died on the ...
Pictures: Gallo Images/Die Burger/Jaco Marais and CCTV footage screengrab Suspected underworld kingpin and murder accused Mark Lifman met his fate by the bullet when he was gunned down in a drive ...
Cape Town - Police are probing the death of alleged underworld kingpin Mark Lifman who was gunned down in a hail of bullets at a shopping mall in George on Sunday. The shooting of the 57-year-old ...
Lifman, security company owner Andre Naude and alleged Sexy Boys gang leader Jerome 'Donkie' Booysen, along with several others, face a plethora of charges linked to alleged underworld battles for the ...