This is because of what is called ‘the gut-brain connection.’ As Harvard researchers have found, many chemicals and nerves work between your brain and your digestive system. This is why feelings of ...
It found that people who consumed honey more than 5 days a week had a significantly ... that damages the lungs and can also affect the digestive system and other organs. It affects the cells ...
A survey by global research firm Pureprofile found that nearly half of those affected don’t connect symptoms like bloating and fatigue to their digestive system. They often simply wait for the ...
The better a man eats, the less likely his low-grade prostate cancer will progress to a more dangerous state, researchers reported Oct. 17 in the journal JAMA Oncology. For every increase of 12.5 ...
The small intestine, or small bowel, is a tubular organ that is about 20 to 25 feet in length and is the longest portion of the digestive system. It is referred to as the “small” intestine because its ...
The world’s most high-end designed, lightweight, and feature-rich learning management system. Open source learning management system using django web framework. Course add and drop, grade and ...