The directorial debut of Usman Riaz, “The Glassworker” is Pakistan’s first fully hand-drawn feature, crafted by Mano Animation Studios under the mentorship of Ghibli producer Geoffrey Wexler.
Nov. 13, 2024 — Wastewater injection resulting from oil and gas production in Oklahoma caused a dramatic rise in seismic activity in the state between 2009 and 2015. ... Four Global Policies ...
Holidays can be a difficult time for the millions of people struggling with eating disorders. Here are some tips from professionals on how to make it easier for yourself or a loved one. Savannah ...
A research team at the Institute of Materials Chemistry at TU Wien, led by Professor Dominik Eder, has developed a new synthetic approach to create durable, conductive and catalytically active ...
Structural materials are materials used or studied primarily for their mechanical properties, as opposed to their electronic, magnetic, chemical or optical characteristics. This can include a ...
Biomedical materials are biomaterials that are manufactured or processed to be suitable for use as medical devices (or components thereof) and that are usually intended to be in long-term contact ...
PREVIEW is an eight-issue subscription publication that provides expert, plain-language analysis of all cases given plenary review by the Supreme Court in advance of oral argument. Preview issues 1-7 ...