Anime voice actor Eiji Yanagisawa, known for his roles in series including Naruto, Gundam Seed and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, among numerous others, has passed away at the age of 57.
Nigerian artist Fola David says he hasn't been the same since he created the world's largest drawing. At 1,004.7 square metres — or nearly as big as four tennis courts — Unity in Diversity is ...
Legend of Zelda's longtime producer Eiji Aonuma has recently been doing the press rounds to promote the new entry Echoes of Wisdom, but he's also been discussing the design philosophy of the Zelda ...
Okumura to work as freelance artist while studying drawing/writing Sanrio is also accepting fan letters for Okumura through its Ichigo Shimbun (Strawberry Newspaper) until December. Sanrio also ...