The models are not exact replicas of the cities, but they are at least city-like. More information on the city models (sources, simulation results) is available in this pdf document (on Google drive).
but a leader in simulation and medical education. Fellows will work closely with faculty in the Department of Emergency Medicine as well as the UAB Simulation Consortium including UAB Medicine ...
In a significant advancement for first responder training, Henry County Fire-Rescue is the first emergency medical services ...
Local participants were identified by the author, national participants were recruited with the help of the Irish Trainee Emergency Research Network.13 International participants were selected via ...
Helen Newberry Joy Hospital worked with the Center for Advanced Medical Learning and Simulation to strengthen emergency ...
The Texas Pediatric Readiness Improvement Project is a collaborative effort endorsed by the Governor’s Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Advisory Council to improve pediatric ... and resources for ...
Our objective was to use a human simulation training educational environment to develop multidisciplinary team skills and improve medical emergency team (MET) performance. We report findings of a ...
It took a year to plan Wednesday’s emergency simulation exercise held at the ... Lambton Emergency Medical Services and Suncor’s fire department. Shell contributed fire hose and Preferred ...