Does your routine have you feeling like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day: stuck in an infinite loop? You wake up, go to the gym, ...
2023 年,真格基金天使轮投资月之暗面。创始人杨植麟博士是国内顶尖的 AI 研究者。他曾在 Meta 和 Google Brain 任职,是 Transformer-XL 与 XLNet 等重量级论文的第一作者。 月之暗面是一家 AIGC ...
Canadian CCS developer Entropy sees carbon-abated baseload power as critical growth market, and will be the first to have a ...
A study from an Australian university found that travel and activities while traveling could delay the aging process and ...
A new study in Australia finds that travel may have positive health benefits and could slow down signs of aging. Next time ...
The team discovered that the positive physical and mental health benefits of traveling — such as exercising and relaxing — do ...
Your brain is biologically wired for memes. Here's what they reveal about how we process social cues and adapt to cultural ...
Moving Pieces Interactive gives us a new look at their upcoming game Entropy Survivors. It will be a four-player co-op wacky ...
相关成果以“高熵非共价环肽玻璃(High-entropy non-covalent cyclic peptide glass)”为题,于2024年8月26日发表于《自然?纳米技术》(Nature Nanotechnology)期刊上 图 高熵非共价环肽玻璃的形成机制 在国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:22025207、22232006、22172172)等资助下 ...
This week in travel news: why going on vacation could be better than using eye cream, how a hippopotamus became the ...
The findings of a recently published study suggest travel could slow or delay the aging process, along with having other ...