Check out some key facts about Vijay Diwas's day below. On December 3, the Indo-Pakistan war began in 1971 and lasted for 13 days. Officially, the war ended on December 16 and Pakistan surrendered ...
When Pope Gregory XIII introduced the Gregorian calendar, 10 days disappeared. 4th October jumped straight to 15th October. People were confused, and some even believed their lives had been shortened.
Curious about traveling to Ireland? Here are some fun facts and trivia tidbits about Dublin, Ireland's capital city Dublin has been the largest settlement on the island since the Middle Ages.
New technology alerts schools when students type words related to suicide. Should all schools use it? Or is it an invasion of privacy? By Jeremy Engle See what you remember about this ...
Take a look at our favorite space pictures here, and if you're wondering what happened to today in space history don't miss our On This Day in Space video show here! Wednesday, December 18 ...