The world of fresh and raw fish isn't one a lot of people want to jump into lightly, especially when they don't know the difference between all the particular preparations like ceviche and tartare.
A staple of Latin cuisine, ceviche has become an increasingly popular fish dish served all over the world. It's a fresh and punchy meal based on chunks of raw fish that are "cured" in citrus juice ...
There was a flurry of activity as Forés pulled ingredients out of the cart, and her assistant and the fishmonger extracted the edible bits from the sea urchins, sliced some fish and shelled shrimp.
Make either filling, or both to give people a choice. Make sure fish is very fresh for the ceviche (a Central American dish of raw fish marinated in citrus juice), the fish flesh “cooks” with ...
For the ceviche, lightly sprinkle the salmon fillet with rock salt. Transfer to the fridge and leave for 20 minutes. Remove the salmon from the fridge, carefully wash off all the salt and pat it dry.