Casimir Catholic Church in Los Feliz. Inside the parish hall that’s ... “We need to keep NATO strong and our homeland free.” ...
This coming Advent, Catholics throughout the English-speaking world will begin using a new translation for the prayers that we say in the Mass. This new, third edition of the Roman Missal is the ...
The Catholic Mass offered prayers for the continuing migrant crisis on the heels of the immigrant community reeling from the recent election of Donald Trump to the White House. The memorial Mass ...
The bishops of Panama, Costa Rica, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala are inviting the faithful to participate in a day of prayer for the Catholic ... must remain free of all foreign control.” ...
(photo: Tim Pierce / CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons) Boston’s mayor is planning to include students at Catholic schools in a program that provides free access to some of the city’s most ...
A thief offered prayers to a deity before stealing a huge amount of money from a petrol pump in Madhya Pradesh's Machalpur district. The incident reportedly took place on Saturday night.
CAPE TOWN - Concerned religious leaders and community activists are planning a mass prayer march in Elsies River this weekend. Residents desperately want an end to the ongoing, deadly gang ...
An Italian association of LGBT Christians has said it has received official Vatican approval to make a pilgrimage to next ...
Muslims aim to lead a life of complete submission to Allah, firmly believing that nothing can happen without Allah’s permission, while also recognizing human free will. According to Islamic ...
The consecration, involving holy water, chrism oil, incense and prayer ... the inaugural mass in Paris, Sunday, December 8, ...