Altarena Playhouse hosted a premiere of a short documentary film, "The Tap Dancing Christmas Trees." Inspired by the new film ...
Paste Magazine is your source for the best music, movies, TV, comedy, videogames, books, comics, craft beer, politics and ...
Sigma boy, every girl wants to dance with you,” is a line from a song recorded by 11-year-old Svetlana Chertischeva (aka ...
The Broadway revival of “Chicago” has lasted for decades, in part thanks to casting celebrities in the top spots of a show ...
One Ferris student athlete is pulling double duty preparing for the 41st anniversary of Rubber Chicken – senior Maia Siemers ...
You don’t know what they did to be in prison. You just know who they are: fathers. They are fathers preparing to see their little girls for a rare dance ...
Feminist ballerina Ashley Bouder has been outspoken about body shaming in the ballet world. Here's how she's leading by ...
Nobody puts baby in a corner, but they’re putting her in the National Film Registry. “Dirty Dancing,” along with another ...
Strictly Come Dancing’s first drag queen Tayce has said she has seen an “overwhelmingly positive” response to being named in ...
A woman has won the Drake lookalike contest in Toronto, earning herself a whopping $10,000 from the 6 God himself.
A woman has won the Drake lookalike contest in Toronto, earning herself a whopping $10,000 from the 6 God himself.
Matilda actor Danny Devito - who suffers from Fairbank's disease - opened up about how standing at 4ft 10ins tall has ...