The story follows three intelligent detectives who encounter a series of corruption in their own department while investigating multiple homicidal cases. The story revolves around a detective who is ...
A neo-noir mystery film directed by Roman Polanski follows Detective Jake, an expert in marital cases, who is hired by Mrs. Mulwray to spy on her husband, who constructed the city's water system.
From golden-age greats to contemporary classics, hard-boiled noirs to side-splitting send-ups, we’ve drawn up a list that we suspect as being the very best murder-mystery films ever made.
When a scandalous affair leads to a murder, a private detective is called in to recount the events of the evening, leading to only the beginning of this almost too perfect closed case.
If mystery movies are your thing, Max has plenty of content that will hit the spot. Check out the list below, which features a variety of intriguing streaming options, including The Lady Vanishes ...