The story follows three intelligent detectives who encounter a series of corruption in their own department while investigating multiple homicidal cases. The story revolves around a detective who is ...
A neo-noir mystery film directed by Roman Polanski follows Detective Jake, an expert in marital cases, who is hired by Mrs. Mulwray to spy on her husband, who constructed the city's water system.
From golden-age greats to contemporary classics, hard-boiled noirs to side-splitting send-ups, we’ve drawn up a list that we suspect as being the very best murder-mystery films ever made.
So, let’s explore some of the high-rated Malayalam detective flicks for a mind-bending experience. Ela Veezha Poonchira (2022) – Prime Video: It follows two police officers at a small wireless police ...
Over the years, he goes from being a child actor to a waterbed salesman in a series of schemes that keep him crossing paths with Alana and landing the two of them in wild scenarios. "Licorice Pizza" ...