The third Avatar installment, "Fire & Ash," to be released in 2025. Concept art previews a new air tribe and the "Ash People". The sequel follows a similar blueprint to Avatar: The Last Airbender ...
Ahead of the Dec. 19, 2025 premiere of Avatar: Fire and Ash, Disney unveiled new concept art for the third installment in Cameron’s franchise during this weekend’s D23 Expo in Brazil.
At D23 Brazil, new concept art was revealed for Avatar: Fire & Ash that gives fans a look at thew new fire and air tribes that will feature in this third film set to be released in theaters on ...
Article Summary Disney and Pixar unveil new concept art for Toy Story 5 at D23 Brasil, featuring an army of Buzz Lightyear toys. Toy Story 5, directed by Andrew Stanton, hits theaters June 19 ...
New concept art for “Avatar: Fire and Ash,” the third film in director James Cameron’s record-breaking series, was revealed at D23 Brazil. “Avatar: Fire & Ash” continues to follow Jake Sully (Sam ...
Disney has released new concept art of the Pirates of the Caribbean Lounge coming to Magic Kingdom. The new art shows a different view than the previously released art, pictured below. While the ...
Tutankhamun’s death mask is one of the most-recognized images around the globe. Measuring 21 inches tall, inlaid with a detailed mosaic of precious stones, and featuring a 5.5 lb golden beard ...
Happening this week, Off the Mask Art and Fashion Show fundraiser raising money for NAMI which provides programs and services for those suffering from mental illness free of cost. Monday we were ...
Children too young to know words like "impossible" and "improbable" nonetheless understand how possibility works, finds new work with 2- and 3-year-olds. The findings, the first to demonstrate that ...