Single Mutation in H5N1 Influenza Surface Protein Could Enable Easier Human Infection Dec ... H5N1 influenza virus currently circulating ... New Model for Replication of BKPyV Virus, a Major ...
Christine Benz: Tom, how do enabling technologies like artificial intelligence change the calculus we might have formerly used to model human capital and does that have implications for how we ...
Imagine an artificial intelligence (AI) model that can watch and understand moving images with the subtlety of a human brain. Now, scientists have made this a reality by creating MovieNet: an ...
In the attempt to calculate the power of the human heart for a given time, we shall arrive at some curious and interesting, not to say astonishing results. Few would credit, at first, the ...
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, Whereas ...