Taiwan's government is urging local IC design houses to speed up their migration to advanced semiconductor manufacturing ...
IC design firms report a sharp slowdown in PC shipments in the third quarter of 2024, following a surge in the second quarter ...
第二届设计自动化产业峰会IDAS 2024(Intelligent Design Automation Summit 2024)将于2024年9月23日至24日在上海·张江科学会堂隆重举办。本次峰会聚焦设计自动化领域的最新进展与未来趋势,五大看点不容错过: 看点一 行业领袖云集峰会,汇集顶尖智慧。本次峰会 ...
「危机就是转机」、「机会是留给准备好的人」这两句耳熟能详的话,套用在神盾(6462)董事长罗森洲身上再适合不过。若将时间回推到2021年下半年疫情爆发的中间阶段,半导体产业在经歷一大波不正常拉货后,库存修正悄然酝酿,加上智慧型手机因为商品化,面临销售困境,神盾的营运遭遇考验。然而,此时美中贸易战火越演越烈,罗森洲发现,要带领神盾重返荣耀,必须脱离红海,瞄准高阶先进制程晶片。有鑑于此,神盾通过一连串 ...
One of the major challenges facing electronics development teams is the critical impact of long-anticipated engineering ...
“煮酒言欢”进入IC技术圈,这里有近100个IC技术公众号 ... [XSIM 43-3410] Failed to compile one of the generated C files. Please recompile with "-mt off -v 1" switch to identify which design unit failed.
In the first of a multi-part series on how to design a custom chip for under $1,000, our Analog Editor gets you started with ...
OpenLight, a specialist in custom PASIC chip design and manufacturing, has announced a strategic partnership with Epiphany.
Advanced IC packaging is transforming the semiconductor industry, driving performance and efficiency amid the global chip ...
U-blox has created an all-band all-constellation precision GNSS receiver, a successor to its F9 IC. X20, as it will be known, ...
NXP plans to launch this BMS chip at Electronica 2024. MC33777, which NXP calls battery junction box IC, integrates critical ...