The rise of generative AI has fueled rapid growth for a startup that helps businesses adopt and manage machine learning and ...
随着高分一号至高分七号卫星、资源系列卫星、高景卫星、高分多模卫星、内蒙古一号、安溪铁观音二号WorldView-4卫星、QuickBird、GeoEye、IKONOS、Pleiades、Deimos、Geosat、Kompsat系列、SPOT系列卫星、Landsat系列和Sentinel系列等多颗专用及通用光学遥感卫星的成功发射 ...
2020 The dataset is mainly used for theoretical research and verification of scene change detection methods. It consists of two large-size VHR images, which have a size of 7200x6000 and are ...
存档卫星影像的分辨率决定了图像的细节清晰度。从最早的KeyHole锁眼卫星数据的2.5米到60米的分辨率,到IKONOS卫星开启的亚米级分辨率时代,现在的分辨率已发展至0.3米甚至更高。在选择影像时,要根据具体需求,确定所需分辨率的标准。例如,城市规划和监测 ...