Since electronic gyros and accelerometers are all over the place, [Sebastian] thought he would have a go at creating his own inertial navigation system. The difficulty in using this method is that ...
The loss of a F-16CM Viper due in large part to a navigation system malfunction leads to a discussion about the importance of aerial navigation.
Inertial navigation systems (INS) use a combination of accelerometers and angular rate sensors (gyroscopes) to detect altitude, location, and motion. They may also be capable of detecting attitude, ...
Attacks Dubbed 'Meat Assaults' After facing overwhelming numbers of Russian troops, Ukrainian soldiers encountered a ...
An inertial navigation system (INS), sometimes known as an inertial navigation unit (INU), is a dead-reckoning navigation system, comprising an inertial measurement unit and a navigation processor, as ...
Learn how absolute and relative positioning, and the data from multiple sensors is important the localization and navigation ...
A detailed look at the accident and lessons learned from the December 2023 U.S. F-16 crash near Kunsan AB. On Dec. 11, 2023, ...
On September 28, at the Zhuzhou International Circuit, a race car equipped with Hyperview's autonomous driving system Tianyuan completed a 3.77-kilometer lap in under three and a half minutes, marki ...
Although the segment of the front north of Kharkiv has been one of the quietest for a few weeks, this does not mean there are ...
The new Certus Mini line of navigation systems offers precision in a compact package, says Advanced Navigation.
Advanced Navigation, a world leader in navigation and autonomous systems, announced the expansion of its versatile Certus ...
The Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) chose the Exail Phins Compact C7 Inertial Navigation System (INS) to ...