Plasma physics is the study of a state of matter ... This so-called ionization can also be achieved using high-power laser light or microwaves. Plasmas are found naturally in stars and in space.
This time-based variation allows light’s spectral composition to be modulated and amplified, making them valuable for optical information processing. “This gives us new degrees of freedom but also ...
Dec. 12, 2024 — A researcher has developed a new technique to detect long wave infrared (LWIR) photons of different wavelengths or 'colors.' The new detection and ...
Nuclear physics is the study of the protons and neutrons at the centre of an atom and the interactions that hold them together in a space just a few femtometres (10-15 metres) across. Example ...
Its proposal of a 2.8 per cent pay rise for teachers next year has grabbed headlines, but the evidence sheds a light on government thinking about the recruitment and ... “For example, the ...