Liquid crystals are all around us, from cell phone screens and video game consoles to car dashboards and medical devices. Run ...
Reviewed by Danielle Ellis, B.Sc.Sep 17 2024 An international group of researchers from the University of Pennsylvania found ...
Snap 17日发布第五代Spectacles,这款AR眼镜规格升级,在视野、分辨率及手部关注方面明显改进;内置的Snap OS是具突破性的操作系统,直接在透视镜片上显示视觉消息和应用程序,强化人们与整个世界互动的方式。
2024年9月6日,根据多家科技媒体的消息,荣耀Play9T手机目前已经上市开售,售价999元起。对于荣耀Play9T来说,拥有骁龙4 Gen ...
Global Liquid Crystal Polymer Market size is predicted to reach $2,563 million by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 7% during the forecast period 2024-2030 according to the latest market research report ...
极米开创了家庭智能投影仪之先河,也享受到了率先抢占用户心智的红利。 2018年,极米凭借57.5万台出货量在中国投影仪市场中排名第一,将爱普生、明基、索尼等在投影仪行业耕耘数十年的跨国公司甩在身后。
Video showing the liquid crystal condensates forming -- the right-hand side uses false color to differentiate the filaments (light blue) and flattened discs (yellow). Video is at 60x real time and 5x ...
A group from Huazhong University of Science and Technology conducted a study, which was published on April 10th, 2024, in the ...
A closeup view of the filaments and flattened discs created by the novel liquid crystal condensates. Credit must be given to the creator. Only noncommercial uses of the work are permitted. Adaptations ...
Federal police have foiled an alleged plot to smuggle $400 million of liquid meth hidden in juice bottles into Queensland in ...
CANBERRA, Sept. 17 (Xinhua) -- Federal authorities in Australia have charged three men over an alleged plot to import over 1 ton of liquid methamphetamine into the country in juice bottles.
AFP launched its investigation in May after the Canada Border Services Agency allegedly identified the illicit drugs hidden ...