Students from Kenya, Mongolia and China exchanged ideas on the healthy growth of young people and sustainable global ...
世界经济论坛、气候工作基金会(ClimateWorks Foundation)和PAA联合发布的一份报告发现:全球慈善资金中 只有不到2% ...
A teenage shooter killed a fellow student and a teacher at a Wisconsin school and wounded six others on Monday before police ...
「安老自助处」(Self-Help for the Elderly)是自1966年开始在华埠提供长者一系列服务的非营利组织,总裁暨执行长钟月娟(Anni Chung)说:「气候变迁绝对对我们长者的生活品质及健康造成了影响。」 ...
The Wealth Partaking Scheme was initiated in 2008, to distribute cash to every resident holding Macao SAR permanent or ...
The Harbin Committee of the Communist Youth League of China in Heilongjiang province has launched a "Youth Talent Community" for young people coming to Harbin to seek employment.
2024年12月11日, 威海「W.A.Y未海岸」青年共建之旅暨“精致六公里 海岸微改造”设计竞赛终审会 于威海国际经贸交流中心 (逍遥湖) 人居馆成功举办!经历了近3个月的赛程,这场面向青年设计师的建筑与景观设计竞赛圆满落幕,让我们共同期待一段“最具年轻感”的海岸空间!