The Wealth Partaking Scheme was initiated in 2008, to distribute cash to every resident holding Macao SAR permanent or ...
Students from Kenya, Mongolia and China exchanged ideas on the healthy growth of young people and sustainable global ...
A teenage shooter killed a fellow student and a teacher at a Wisconsin school and wounded six others on Monday before police ...
December 6, 2024雅思长难句解析  |  |  栏目推送说明雅思长难句解析每周一期,专业老师解读成功就是日复一日的积累 本期作者:郑百慧例句1The database also reveals the case of Juliana ...
Li Yunfen, a native of Hebian Village on the China-Laos border, is spearheading a revival of traditional Yao craftsmanship.
「安老自助处」(Self-Help for the Elderly)是自1966年开始在华埠提供长者一系列服务的非营利组织,总裁暨执行长钟月娟(Anni Chung)说:「气候变迁绝对对我们长者的生活品质及健康造成了影响。」 ...
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s recent visit to South America was crowned with great success. In Peru, he inaugurated the Port ...
which make up the majority of the global community," said Charbel Barakat, head of Foreign Desk at Aljarida newspaper in ...
Record number of agreementshighlights district’s global influenceJing’an District is making bold strides on the global stage, ...
北京时间12月4日,我国申报的“春节——中国人庆祝传统新年的社会实践”在巴拉圭亚松森举行的联合国教科文组织保护非物质文化遗产政府间委员会第19届常会上通过评审,列入联合国教科文组织人类非物质文化遗产代表作名录。The United Nations ...
在当前充满挑战和机遇的商业环境中,品牌如何实现突破性增长,已成为许多企业亟需解决的关键问题。近日,在上海举办的“第四届中国新潮品牌大会”上,新潮传媒发布了全新的“量潮计划”,标志着社区营销的迅速崛起,以及这一领域新思维的落地实施。 一、市场现象:社区逐渐成为消费主阵地 随着数字化的深入和消费行为的变化,传统的营销方式正在逐步失去其引导力,越来越多的品牌开始意识到社区营销的重要性。根据新潮传媒创始人 ...