亚马逊雨林,作为地球上最大的热带雨林,跨越多个南美国家,包括巴西、秘鲁、哥伦比亚和厄瓜多尔等。它被称为“地球的绿肺”,因为它对全球气候和生态系统发挥着至关重要的作用。雨林拥有极其丰富的生物多样性,包括数千种植物和动物,以及独特的生态系统,使其成为自然爱好者和探险者的天堂。 Introduction The Amazon Rainforest, as the largest tropical rai ...
琉璃塔山 ,位于美国的 加州 ,是一个独特的 火山地质(Volcanic Geology)景点,以其玻璃状火山岩(Glass-Like Volcanic Rocks)而闻名。这座火山由古代火山喷发 形成,创造了 奇特的地貌(Unique ...
The death toll in explosions of wireless communication devices across Lebanon on Wednesday rose to 14, with injuries up to ...
Three people, including a pilot and two passengers, were killed in a helicopter crash in the Amur region of Russia's Far East ...
9月9日,2024出海高峰论坛在海丝陆丝交汇点厦门正式举行。经历了共计8个多小时密集交流后,与会的近千名企业家与10多位来自学界、企业界、海外的嘉宾一起,分享了关于中国企业出海的新见解与新体会。正如吴晓波老师所言,这一轮的出海与当年其他国家不同,是中国中小型企业甚至创业者密集出海,因此更需要握手成盟、抱团取暖,而本次论坛上的经验,希望能为企业家们出海耕作提供养分。本文选取整理了其中8位嘉宾的演讲精 ...
Visitors watch an AI-powered orthopedic surgical robot during the 2024 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS ...
Beijing has upgraded more than 20,000 pieces of equipment at subway stations to facilitate the new payment initiative, which ...
Goods stored in a bonded warehouse can be modified onsite for the local market.存放在保税仓库的货物可以在现场进行修改以适应当地市场。 Inspection of the goods can also be performed in the bonded warehouse. 保税仓库还可以进行货物的检查。
瑞典The Local 网站报道,自去年德国东部边境大部分地区实施管控以来,已经约有 3万旅行者被拒绝入境。德国政府官员表示,将继续严格控制德国边境。而邻国波兰对此颇为不满,波兰政府官员谴责德国此举是“不可接受的,因为这限制了正常的旅行和工作往来”。
First group of South Korean tourists entering China via Zhengzhou airport visit Southern Taihang Mountains in Xinxiang ...
The 7th Hangzhou International Day kicked off on Sep 5, connecting Hangzhou with the world. This year, a series of events ...