For Bill from the US, this is his favorite Chinese phrase. Whether it's with a friend or a stranger, he gets a real kick out of using it. A little kindness, a smile, a word of gratitude–his response ...
BEIJING, Nov. 29 (Xinhua) -- China's local governments issued new bonds worth 4.57 trillion yuan (about 635.8 billion U.S. dollars) in the first 10 months of this year, data from the Ministry of ...
On Friday, the HTS and allied rebel groups swept into parts of Aleppo city for the first time since they were driven out of ...
我们一行人是上个月从厦门自驾游回来的,在出发前收集了很多攻略,但网上的评价参差不齐。最后我们还是选择了跟团,因为带着老人和孩子,不想在旅途中出现任何问题。通过朋友介绍,我们认识了厦门【导游小林:186 5922 ...
于2014年至2017年开展,由内蒙古自治区文化厅、教育厅共同制定了《内蒙古自治区非物质文化遗产保护传承“千校计划”实施方案》,从制度层面引领非遗进校园,包括在全区范围内鼓励各大、中、小学校将蒙古族长调民歌、呼麦、马头琴音乐等优秀非遗代表性项目列入教 ...
在这一技术快速发展的时代,电竞显示器的选择无疑影响着玩家的游戏表现与视觉享受。近日,AG344UXM电竞显示器因其优异的表现和特有的Local Dimming技术受到广泛关注。这款显示器不仅在屏幕尺寸和分辨率上满足了高端游戏的需求,还通过创新的背光技术提升了画面质量,使游戏体验更为出色。
In 2022, Kail donated a photo album to China. The album features photos of Japanese atrocities in China during WWII. Two ...
President Xi Jinping has led the Chinese people to win the battle against poverty, a remarkable achievement that has drawn ...
Luban Workshop is a project named after an ancient Chinese craftsman to provide vocational skills training for local people.