The vast and expansive Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise has recruited countless actors into its ranks. But the MCU isn't ...
The X-Men prepare to carry out a rescue mission in our exclusive preview of Marvel's X-Men #8, taking them to the mutant ...
Jennifer Lawrence has had many demanding roles over the years, but found one part particularly challenging due to its ...
Next Week's Comics will be Delivered by Diamond Comic Distributors a Week Late... here's the full affected list for Diamond ...
Warning: Spoilers for Exceptional X-Men #3! Since Charles Xavier assembled the first X-Men, the team has been home to some of ...
Michael Fassbender has shown interest in reprising the role of Magneto in the future following the humongous success of ...
The original X-Men trilogy was one of those movie franchises that had two outstanding entries, but just couldn't stick the ...
Assemble your ultimate team of Marvel Super Heroes from a huge cast including the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Men, and more! Team up with friends to prevent galactic devastation at the ...
The roster of Marvel Rivals characters is strong, even while the multiplayer game is just in its closed beta form. NetEase has two dozen heroes and villains to pick from, each with unique powers ...
s Tony Stark with the hint that he could be part of something greater. Over 30 films later, the story of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is still being told, albeit with various tributaries and ...