On Tuesday, the head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, PhD, also said most of the samples ...
The Epidemiology Unit of the Ministry of Health says that an unidentified fever is spreading in the Jaffna District, raising ...
Health officials revealed Congo's mysterious illness causing flu-like symptoms and dozens of deaths could be malaria.
Modern medicine has enabled citizens of wealthy, industrialized nations to forget that children once routinely died in ...
One procedure simulates a fracture to stimulate bone growth and increase blood flow to aid in healing. Read more at ...
What is a quad-demic?
It is a play on the word “pandemic” – described by the Dictionary of Epidemiology as an “epidemic occurring over a very wide ...
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Managing diseases during the flood season is a significant challenge, particularly when it comes to leptospirosis, because its symptoms resemble those of other infections, health experts say.
The food you eat may be affecting your body's ability to fight cancer cells in the colon, according to a new study.