NASA's Curiosity rover has made a groundbreaking discovery on Mars by uncovering pure sulfur crystals within a broken rock.
In “A City on Mars,” Kelly and Zach Weinersmith investigate what life would be like for humans on the red planet, arguing ...
After 12 years exploring the red planet, NASA's Curiosity rover is still going strong. The robot has spent the past year ...
Scientists have constructed the first complete proton energy spectrum observed during an eruptive solar event in the Martian ...
The rover's latest discoveries, including pure sulfur stones and sprawling mineral "spiderwebs," unravel new mysteries of Mars' watery past.
NASA’s Curiosity rover discovers rare sulphur stones on Mars which uncover new clues about the planet’s history. (NASA/JPL) ...
NASA scientists are hoping to understand the history of where they found the rocks — and for evidence of ancient microbial ...