What makes fusion energy so challenging, and why is there so much hype around it? Euronews Tech Talks explored these ...
Extraterrestrial civilizations need a great deal of energy as they advance up the Kardashev scale. Fossil fuels are finite, ...
Why planetary scientists think advanced aliens will turn to nuclear fusion to meet their massive energy needs. Here’s how we ...
That, paired with the fact that the fuel that goes into nuclear fusion — hydrogen or helium atoms — are very safe sources shows nuclear fusion has an inherent level of safety that few energy sources ...
Stars are born, live and die in spectacular ways, with their deaths marked by one of the biggest known explosions in the ...
Analysis - Stars are born, live and die in spectacular ways, with their deaths marked by one of the biggest known explosions in the Universe. Like a campfire needs wood to keep burning, a star relies ...
To find advanced civilizations, you don't need to go hunting for megastructures or hypothetical space probes. You could find ...
Bluemira is an integrated inter-disciplinary design tool for future fusion reactors. It incorporates several modules, some of which rely on other codes, to carry out a range of typical conceptual ...
Stars are born, live and die in spectacular ways, with their deaths marked by one of the biggest known explosions in the Universe. Like a campfire ...
The Low Energy High-Intensity Heavy-Ion Accelerator Facility, or LEAF, constructed by the Institute of Modern Physics, the ...
Physics is the search for and application of rules that can help us understand and predict the world around us. Central to physics are ideas such as energy, mass, particles and waves. Physics ...