What is Putin’s nuclear weapons threat? On 24 February 2022, in a televised speech heralding the Russian invasion of Ukraine, President Vladimir Putin issued what was interpreted as a threat to use ...
The squeeze is on: New simulations show that with the new optimization technique, convergent shocks on the fusion plasma (shown here in a spherical target at NIF) should be almost twice as dense.
Current political and economic issues succinctly explained. Many foreign policy experts warn that if Iran were to acquire nuclear weapons, it would be broadly destabilizing for the Middle East and ...
The ex-RAF pilot explained: "When I was younger, we were living with the omnipresent threats of nuclear war. We were planning to do one-way missions. That was the war we were preparing for. And we did ...
A decade ago, it seemed as though the global nuclear industry was in an irreversible decline. Concerns over safety, cost, and what to do with radioactive waste had sapped enthusiasm for a ...
As the world races to add more power plants to satiate AI’s thirst for electricity, investors have been plowing money into nuclear fusion, the pie-in-the-sky technology that appears to be ...
The film reveals the full extent of the British government’s nuclear tests in Australia and the South Pacific in the 1950s and 1960s. 39,000 British and Commonwealth servicemen witnessed 45 ...
Given the considerable scientific, engineering, and commercial hurdles facing nuclear fusion, fission seems to offer a more promising nuclear solution to the world’s burgeoning power needs.
If the Kremlin was hoping to instill fear among its Western foes by lowering the bar for its use of nuclear weapons, then it may have been disappointed Wednesday. Russian President Vladimir Putin ...
Russian President Vladimir Putin approved changes to his country's nuclear doctrine this week, formally amending the conditions — and lowering the threshold — under which Russia would consider ...
Essentially, nuclear energy results from two types of reactions: nuclear fission and nuclear fusion. These days, nuclear power plants generate electricity from nuclear fission, the process of ...