Hitoshi Iwaaki’s iconic Parasyte manga is a Shonen/Seinen series about Izumi Shinichi, whose body is partially infected by a Parasyte – an alien race that butchers and consumes humans. Both Denji and ...
This series is really good! Not lots of blood but quite a lot of violence. There is a LOT of swearing, especially at the start.
Fans on social media began comparing the volume covers of My Hero Academia Volume 1 and its final volume and found that it holds a deeper meaning than what appears on the surface. This could prove ...
The first season of the anime, which aired from April 6, 2019 to September 28, 2019 and had 24 episodes, adapted chapters 1 to 53 of the manga, ending with Tanjiro Kamado, Nezuko Kamado, and their ...
My Hero Academia will be hitting shelves in Japan with the final volume of the manga series on December 4th, and to celebrate has revealed the cover art for this 42nd volume of the manga series ...
The suspected madman behind a deadly stabbing spree in Manhattan Monday has a long criminal history — and had just walked free from Rikers Island a month before the terrifying attacks, The Post ...
Sabrina Carpenter sings a surprise cover every night in her Short n' Sweet Tour setlist but which iconic songs has she covered so far? Here's a full breakdown of Sabrina's Spin The Bottle segment ...
Either way, the cheeky additions are right in line with Carpenter’s “Short n’ Sweet” aesthetic; the singer shows off a similar lipstick kiss on her shoulder on the album cover, and has ...
Jujutsu Kaisen‘s manga might have come to an end, but it’s still far from the end of the franchise overall. The anime is now in the works for a return with the highly anticipated third season ...