You will always set the tone for the love that you receive, sweet Pisces. This is more than just loving yourself; it comes down to how you value yourself and your energy. You may want to plan ...
This couple might as well struggle with trust and commitment issues. Gemini follows a logical approach to life, while Pisceans eye things with an emotional lens. Pisces' passionate and dramatic nature ...
The Full Moon in Gemini highlights your zone of home, family, and inner foundations, urging you to reflect on your personal life and emotional security. What pastimes do you miss that you want ...
Your romantic relationship is getting as impulsive and intense as in 'The Notebook.' It has been as thrilling and invigorating as it was in the beginning. There's the right amount of sugar and spice, ...
Taking play seriously? As the moon and Saturn harmonize, you may be in charge, but you’re not above having fun! Today, your inner child is in dialogue with your adult self. Caring for children ...