快科技11月19日消息,据Android Headline的报道,在Pixelbook Go笔记本电脑发布五年之后,谷歌可能正准备重返高端笔记本电脑市场。 报道称,谷歌正在 ...
报道称,谷歌正在开发一款代号为“Snowy”的全新Pixel笔记本,该项目已经跨越概念阶段,获得了谷歌高层的批准,并且成立了专门的团队来推进这一开发计划。 这款即将推出的Pixel笔记本将定位于高端市场,其主要竞争对手包括苹果的MacBook Pro ...
据Android Headline报道,谷歌可能正计划在Pixelbook ...
近日,有关谷歌即将重振高端笔记本电脑市场的消息引发广泛关注。据报道,谷歌计划在发布Pixelbook Go五年后,推出一款名为“Snowy”的新笔记本。此次产品的开发已经得到了公司的高层批准,并特别组建了团队加速推进该项目。新的Pixel高端笔记本不仅有望与苹果MacBook Pro、戴尔XPS、微软Surface和三星Galaxy ...
【ITBEAR】近日,有消息称谷歌可能重振高端笔记本电脑市场,计划在Pixelbook Go发布五年后推出全新笔记本产品。这款代号为“Snowy”的Pixel笔记本,已经顺利通过了概念阶段,得到了谷歌高层的绿灯,并组建专项团队加速推进。
So far, there is little known about the Pixel Laptop. If Google doesn’t use a unified ChromeOS and Android system for the ...
After years of waiting for the perfect Pixelbook successor, I've finally found a product worthy of filling those ...
Learn more The Google Pixelbook Go offers the ultimate Chromebook experience in its most affordable form to date, with an incredible keyboard and long battery life. I never thought I'd be willing ...
And next week, attention will turn to the new Pixelbook hybrid laptop set to be released on Tuesday, October 31st. Is this the win Google’s hardware team needs? I spent the last week and a half ...
New reports of a Google Pixel Laptop are out, and we suspect that this hardware is likely to run Android, not Chrome OS.
据最新报道,谷歌PixelTablet2平板电脑已被取消推出。此前的爆料显示,这款升级版产品在设计上延续了PixelTablet的特点,但相机和电源按钮的位置有所调整,并且还配备了一些新的键盘保护套和触控笔配件。在规格方面, ...