伴随产业竞争与趋势的剧烈变化,锂电江湖正在步入全球化大时代。不可否认,中国锂电产业激荡的十几年间,从产业跟随者到领跑者,展现了强悍的市场战斗力,但其仍难以摆脱市场对其 “大而不强” 的质疑声。究其原因,其距离真正的 “建立全球性的商业生态系统” ...
QuantumScape is burning a lot of cash, but it recently secured a new licensing deal with PowerCo, which extends its cash ...
QuantumScape surged after announcing a VW deal but fell as revenue delays loom. Learn the risks before investing in QS stock ...
September 24, 2024, 22:38 pm ET, BY Jesse F.- Contributor| Editor: Thomas H. Kee Jr. ( Follow on LinkedIn) Short QS slightly ...
The short answer is no, but the more important question is how long will it be before investing in QuantumScape pays off?
智己L6光年固态电池固态电池何时量产上车?这不仅是当下新能源汽车业界的心之所向,也让普罗大众心心念念。近两个月以来,包括宁德时代、比亚迪在内的国内龙头企业纷纷透露其在全固态电池领域的进展和规划,日韩方面也有相关进展披露,整体而言,整个产业正朝着“2027年左右上车、2030年实现大规模产业化”的目标规划全固态 ...
盖世汽车讯 据外媒报道,德国汽车制造商大众可能陷入了一起新的丑闻:该公司高管、前开发委员会成员Ulrich Eichhorn被指控将固态电池技术传授给了一家初创企业,而他本人也间接参与了这家企业。
We recently compiled a list of the 10 Stocks Jim Cramer Can’t Stop Talking About. In this article, we are going to take a ...
After years of subpar performance, there's now a light at the end of the tunnel for all three companies ... and their stocks.
为了突破国际贸易与政策壁垒,实现企业持续健康发展,全球化发展已经势在必行。考虑到一座电池工厂建成投产需要三到四年,“回血” 需要5-6年,按照这个时间线,留给企业国际化布局与发展的时间已经非常紧迫了。
Even when a business is losing money, it's possible for shareholders to make money if they buy a good business at ...