在滑板的世界里,下雨意味着无法出门,意味着被迫放弃那份自由的畅快。然而,Wasted Paris的新作《HAPPY WHEN IT RAINS》却将这一刻变成了令人振奋的挑战,将不完美的天气化为独特的滑板体验。这个影片是在不太理想的条件下拍摄的,正是因为遭遇了雨水的洗礼,才让滑板手们展开了一场惊心动魄的滑板冒险。 影片中,众多滑板高手不畏风雨,展现出前所未有的滑板技艺与创意。他们在雨中磨炼自己的技 ...
Heavy rain lashed parts of western Japan on Saturday, suspending train services and triggering risks of flooding and landslides in some parts. Operations on the Tokaido Shinkansen line have been ...
UN humanitarian partners reported there is also a critical shortage of adequate shelter for hundreds of thousands of people displaced by the hostilities across Gaza. Less than a quarter of shelter ...