Much of the research we publish relates to questions of cause and effect. In an ideal world, we would subject these questions ...
很多人都盼望着能够健康长寿,虽然长寿与饮食、运动、睡眠等很多因素有关。但越来越多的研究发现,有些人貌似天生就拥有了一些与长寿相关的优势。 特别是身上有这3个特点的人,可谓天生自带“长寿潜质”,或预示着一个人的长寿潜力,赶紧对照一下!
如果大脑健康出了问题,会严重影响我们的生活质量。这篇文章盘点了大脑最怕的 10 件事,最后还会告诉大家保护大脑应该怎么吃,让健康从“头”开始。 2022 年 3 月发表在《自然·通讯》上的一项研究,对超过 3.6 万多名中老年人的数据进行了分析并发现 ...
在这项双样本孟德尔随机化研究中,研究人员全面评估了营养摄入与中风风险之间的因果关系,共纳入18种营养素,包括4种宏量营养素和14种微量营养素,数据来自来全基因组关联研究(GWAS),中风数据来自全基因组中风关联研究联盟MEGASTROKE,包括全因中 ...
The TESLA trial was unable to support a benefit to thrombectomy for stroke patients with large-core infarcts identified on ...
Mendelian randomization (MR) is a relatively new form of evidence synthesis and causal inference that is of growing importance in observational epidemiology. The approach can be viewed as an ...
The addition of ruxolitinib also moved more patients to a remission deep enough that they were able to go off treatment. Two ...
This innovative programme aims to extend the now widely utilized Mendelian Randomization (MR) paradigm in ways that will substantially increase its utility in population and clinical sciences. The ...
“中午不睡,下午崩溃”,许多人都会选择午睡来充充电。 但当你在享受午睡的美好时,有一个问题需要谨慎,那就是午睡时间! 这可不是叔危言耸听,对高血压患者来说,午睡太久就是中风的一大危险因素。