The facts really do spoil the more popular blood-chilling stories about piranha. Matt Ford reveals more home truths about the Red-bellied species. Famed as a rapacious predator capable of rapidly ...
In 2011 I found in the upper Yavari, as well as earlier in the Rio Juruá upper Purus basins, red-bellied small piranha species, which may belong to the real P. nattereri or are an undescribed form.
In essence, the dental design of piranhas is a testament to nature’s ability to create efficient and formidable tools of predation. A Stronger Bite Force Than T-Rex Red-bellied piranha (Pygocentrus ...
While encounters with humans are infrequent, the potent venom of the South American bushmaster demands respect. Red-bellied piranha, Pygocentrus altus, danger fish in the water with green water ...
Local results The two most-spotted birds in the local Christmas Bird Count are out-of-towners. The European starling and the Canada goose show up the most in the 2023 counts across southwestern ...
The Red Command (Comando Vermelho – CV) is Brazil’s oldest criminal group. Created in a Rio de Janeiro prison in the 1970s as a self-protection group for prisoners, it started out with low-level ...
A very close relative of the Yellow-bellied and Red-naped sapsuckers, replacing them on the Pacific slope. It was considered to belong to the same species for some time, so differences in behavior ...
Check out the numbers and then join me for analysis. We'll have to wait and see what kind of legs Red One ultimately shows, but for now, we'll conclude this box office column celebrating the ...
Sit back and catch the very best live events from around the world on Red Bull TV: from the Red Bull Cliff Diving to Red Bull Batalla, you can watch it all right here.
There are many reasons red spots form on the skin, so it can be hard to tell exactly what the underlying cause may be. Skin irritation can come from several causes, such as an acute infection or a ...
Kim Kardashian is the queen of the early aughts. On Monday, the reality star quietly revealed a close-up snap of her belly button ring, adding it to a slideshow of Instagram images captioned ...
Dumbbell floor workouts deliver the perfect one-two punch when it comes to torching belly fat and building strength. These routines don't just hone in on your midsection—they work your entire body, ...