The series finale of the comedic "Star Trek" animated series promises a (moderately) more dramatic end to a lovably silly ...
The announcement that the beloved Aussie animated series Bluey, is heading to the big screen in 2027 has sent fans into a ...
The War of the Rohirrim” is the latest and most high-profile anime adaptation of a Western franchise to hit screens big and ...
Despite business executives' best efforts to purge animation from their streaming services, there was some outstanding ...
Rick and Morty” and “Community" showrunner Dan Harmon sits down with MSNBC’s Ari Melber for an extended conversation on how ...
Big pharma has become a topical subject. The industry has been increasingly criticized in recent years by populist pundits ...
Nanami Kento's iconic voice actor, Kenjiro Tsuda, recently shared his thoughts on the upcoming Lord of the RIngs anime film.
But Hufflepuff or Slytherin, the one commonality in the beauty world is needing a great pair of lips. A potted lip mask the color of deep crushed berries, encased in a mini magic cauldron, is a luxe ...
Google's new microchip Willow uses the Multiverse to work things out impossibly quickly. I know, but this is where we are now ...
Rick and Morty is set to return for Season 8 on Adult Swim next year, and the first promo spot has been released. The promo ...
Heralding the shows return in 2025, Adult Swim has released a teaser for the eighth run of episodes for those intergalactic ...
After a long wait, Adult Swim has finally unveiled the first glimpse of Rick and Morty Season 8. Unfortunately, there is no ...