Jason Schwartzman stars in this quirky comedy as an ambitious prep-school student. While he flirts with expulsion, he also cultivates a romantic fixation on a teacher, and befriends a local steel ...
It might be from any of his seven appearances in Wes Anderson's movies, from his film debut as enterprising teen Max Fischer in 1998's "Rushmore" to 2023's "Asteroid City," in which he took on a ...
Some of the most famous images of Mount Rushmore are from Alfred Hitchcock's 1959 classic spy movie, North by Northwest. Ernest Lehman, the screenwriter, recalled being asked by "Hitch" to come up ...
In the finished film, a Frank Lloyd Wright-like house and the mythical "Cedar City," complete with an airport, perch at Mount Rushmore's summit. During the movie's climax, Thornhill, Kendall ...