▲摘要:我们研究了嫦娥五号收集的月球土壤样品中的约3000个玻璃珠,并根据它们的质地、化学成分和硫同位素确定了其中3个发源于火山活动。3个火山玻璃珠的铀铅测年表明它们形成于1.2(±0.15)亿年前。这些火山玻璃珠中稀土元素和钍元素的丰度较高,表明这 ...
【导读】 近日,清华大学电子系城市科学与计算研究中心的研究论文《EconAgent: Large Language Model-Empowered Agents for Simulating Macroeconomic ...
朱诺冰川 位于 阿拉斯加州(Alaska)的朱诺市(Juneau)附近,是北美最大(North America's Largest)的冰川之一。冰川覆盖了约2000平方公里(Approximately 2,000 Square ...
The Japanese government unilaterally started the discharge of nuclear-contaminated water from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear ...
X-ray fluorescence radiation generated by lunar elements excited by X-rays from the Sun can reveal the distribution of ...
Anyway, that’s “sit this one out” in the sports context. Outside of sports, this phrase is also widely used. As a matter of ...
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, Guangzhou is set to launch nearly a thousand cultural and tourism activities, inviting ...
吴谦: 9月12日至14日,第十一届北京香山论坛在京举行。国家主席习近平向论坛致贺信,希望本届论坛继续秉持平等、开放、包容、互鉴精神,凝聚共识、深化互信,为共同应对全球性安全挑战、推动构建人类命运共同体作出新的更大贡献。