The series finale of the comedic "Star Trek" animated series promises a (moderately) more dramatic end to a lovably silly ...
The casting process for HBO’s highly anticipated Harry Potter series has captivated fans and industry insiders alike. This ...
There have been 12 different Star Trek television series, but only one made it onto the Top 250 TV Shows list as chosen by ...
The symbiotic relationship between science fiction and design is being explored at the exhibition Science Fiction Design: ...
James Wan's production company, Atomic Monster, has acquired the rights to adapt Pacific Drive into a television series, ...
Silo is one of several excellent Apple TV shows that begins with the letter ‘S’ joining other hits like Shrinking, Slow ...
James Wan's Atomic Monster has acquired the rights to develop Game Award-nominated indie title "Pacific Drive" into a TV ...
What the 21st-century space race means for national security and Uber drivers and how Robert F. Kennedy Jr. could win over ...
Rod's daughter, Anne Serling, and TV writer, Marc Scott Zicree, each published books about the screenwriter's lasting impact ...
What unites these shows is, effectively, a vibe. In their most basic form, Dad TV shows are dude-forward action-adventures ...
Henry Cavill is clearly ready to get started on his Warhammer project.