Legendary and beloved property master, the late Phil Shea was recently honored by NBC network’s brand-new sitcom St. Denis Medical. At the end of the show’s third episode Weird Stuff You Can ...
St. Denis Medical, NBC’s new workplace comedy from Eric Ledgin and Justin Spitzer, ended its third episode with a touching tribute card honoring the late, great Phil Shea. After St. Denis ...
The top body butter for dry skin must contain shea or cocoa butter. If you have sensitive skin, look for fragrance-free or hypoallergenic formulas. Opt for non-comedogenic formulas with ingredients ...
Serums, toners, cleansers, moisturisers, masks, scrubs, etc. – today, skincare products are largely diversified. With a myriad of options present in a heavily saturated skincare market ...
Kerrygold Irish butter has been named among “the best butters for both eating and baking” in a new round-up by Wirecutter, The New York Times’ product recommendation service. Both Kerrygold ...