4. Spanish - Spain. 4.97% +1.19%. 5. Portuguese-Brazil. 4.56% +1.15%. 6. German. 3.41% +0.83%. 7. Japanese. 2.68% +0.49%. 8.
Las finanzas digitales son uno de los cinco pilares de China para impulsar el desarrollo financiero de alta calidad, junto ...
La música y la danza han acompañado a los encendidos navideños de las ciudades de Madrid y Barcelona. Esta última se ha ...
以下文章来源于局部气候调查组 ,作者嚼嚼嚼嚼的附件1:《食土豆榜》附件2:《参考文献》[1]A History of the Tortilla Española and Its Use in Spain – Queen Sofia Spanish ...
Created by French maestro, Executive Chef Olivier Pistre, the Festive Dinner Experience is a veritable feast of culinary ...
人型支原体 (Mycoplasma hominis,Mh)是主要引起人类生殖道感染的常见病原体之一,对人体上皮细胞有较强亲和性,可定植于人体生殖道黏膜,易造成黏膜细胞损伤; ...
此前,陈青敏当天下午在长崎县会见了由广岛大学常务副校长金子真司(Shinji ...
Auf der Jagd, Polka, Op.373 An der schönen blauen Donau,Walzer,op.314 Mozart: Das Veilchen,K.476 Schubert: Im Fruhling, D.882 ...
公安部部长梁三光在做2024年预防和打击违法犯罪行为工作报告时表示,近期预防和打击犯罪、违法行为工作得到深入开展。国会下达的各项指标基本完成。关于提高未来预防和打击犯罪及违法行为工作效率的办法,梁三光表示: ...
通过将自主的构建看做一种有组织的废宪运动… 叙利亚革命纪录片 Ecos del Desgarro (2015) 中英字幕 关于叙利亚2011年的草根社会革命,及其如何被镇压并最后成为一场由国外势力参与的内战 2015 documentary of the Syrian Revolution and Civil War by Camara Negra, in Arabic & Spanish ...
Dead and buried, as you can guess, means really dead, with no chance of being revived. Here, the merger deal is likened to a dead person, one who is declared dead and later buried after a funeral.