Welcome back to our insightful series on 21st century education. In this latest installment, we turn our focus back to a topic I last discussed in 2011: the characteristics of 21st-century teachers.
“Today, I represented a heart-wrenching case involving a five-year-old girl who was sexually abused by her class teacher. This incident strengthens my resolve to combat such heinous crimes.
At a meeting with the teachers, they said the incident with the rubbish bin was "just a game". Furthermore, they questioned whether Arlo was "assertive enough" and had any friends and detailed a ...
All teachers know that when they are required to cover too much content, they cannot spend time engaging students in important work—inviting students to explore, use their own ideas, and ...
A Los Angeles Unified School District teacher became so obsessed with a middle school student she’s accused of sexually abusing that she left her husband, described the boy as her “crystal ...