A new documentary titled Endurance has premiered, bringing to life the remarkable survival story of Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ill-fated 1914 Antarctic expedition. The film, from National ...
Read also: Endurance22: Falklands Maritime Heritage Trust organizes expedition to find and film Shackleton's ship sunk in Antarctica in ... arrived Falkland Islands Endurance crushed middle ...
The National Geographic movie 'Endurance' brings Sir Ernest Shackleton’s Antarctic expedition to life using colorized footage and cutting edge techniques, blending historical and modern narratives ...
I first encountered this footage — and, indeed, the entire saga — when I saw “The Endurance: Shackleton’s Legendary Antarctic Expedition,” the stunning 2001 documentary about it.
A stowaway who found himself on a legendary Antarctic expedition that ... piece of reachable solid land. Shackleton selected four of his best men, including Endurance's skipper Frank Worsley ...
It’s transporting, like a time machine. I first encountered this footage — and, indeed, the entire saga — when I saw “The Endurance: Shackleton’s Legendary Antarctic Expedition,” the stunning 2001 ...
This 3,011-piece set faithfully recreates the vessel commanded by British explorer Ernest Shackleton during his 1914 ...