Uzumaki is a Japanese horror manga series created by Junji Ito. It originally ran from January 19, 1998 to August 30, 1999. The series is compiled of three tankōbon volumes spanning 20 chapters.
Known for its unique storytelling and creepy, grotesque illustrations, Junji Ito’s horror manga Uzumaki is hailed as one of the most terrifying works in modern Japanese literature. Thus, fans’ ...
You’ve reached your account maximum for followed topics. Boruto Uzumaki is one of the strongest characters to exist in the Narutoverse, and one that continues to keep amazing fans the more the ...
Azami Kurotani is the spiral girl in the Uzumaki series. Kirie Goshima's close friend, Azami was a transfer student from Midoriyama-Shi who had reportedly known her since roughly grade 10.