The gripping tale revolves around a humiliated IAS officer who takes up a strange case in Shilaspura, a place with superstitious practices to prove her innocence. The chilling story is set in a small ...
Tom Brady is a proud dad of three kids. The former NFL quarterback shares his oldest child, Jack, with ex-girlfriend Bridget Moynahan, and his other son, Benjamin, and only daughter, Vivian, with ...
The Golden State Warriors aren’t changing the NBA. They accomplished that long ago. They’re just making it a lot more interesting — practically flying solo along the way. Shaquille O’Neal made a great ...
Joe Burrow leads the NFL in yards passing and TD passes, Ja'Marr Chase is on pace for a rare receiving triple crown, and Trey Hendrickson has more sacks than any other player.
Burrow isn’t alone in putting up prolific numbers in Cincinnati with Chase leading the NFL with 73 catches, 1,056 yards and 12 TDs. Only four players since the merger led the NFL in those three ...