Marvel Cinematic Universe has assembled expansive films and shows filled with beloved heroes and thrilling stories, but ...
MCU villains have threatened to kill the masses for years. Villains like Thanos and Ultron have taken out a lot of people ...
Anthony Ramos is opening up about why he’s excited to be playing a bad guy in Marvel’s Ironheart. Ramos has been tapped to ...
With the success of Spider-Man in the MCU, Sony could be looking to tie it's own Marvel villains into the MCU. Read on and ...
There's a lot of truth in that common saying. Sure, some movies have still been great despite having underwhelming villains - ...
Spread the love2025 has been an exciting year for the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), with several new releases and unexpected twists. Here are the 10 best MCU moments of the year: The X-Men’s MCU ...