向来对市场需求感知敏锐的广汽传祺,近期推出一系列可以叠加国补的官方补贴,让原本已经十分能打的传祺GS4 MAX和“影”字家族悉数进入10万元区间,划定了刚需购车的选品新基线。 GS4 MAX领衔,不到10万全面满足普通家庭刚需 成立于2008年的广汽传祺将吸收与 ...
TORONTO — As Shea Weber gave his speech to accept his induction into the Hockey Hall of Fame on Monday evening, there was a moment that was extremely telling of who he is and what he meant to ...
Goalie Carey Price was a teammate and opponent of Shea Weber, the defenseman to whom he grew close while both were wearing the red, white and blue jersey of the Montreal Canadiens and the red and ...
MONTREAL – If you’ve ever been around Shea Weber, you know what they say is true: the man just has an aura about him. In some part, this is due to his physical stature: six feet, four inches ...