A 20-second session of self-compassionate touch reduced stress, increased kindness to participants and improved mental ...
Astronomers have observed a massive pair of jets releasing from a supermassive black hole 7.5 billion light-years from Earth.
Our attention spans have been hijacked by pings, alerts and messages; can we break free from a bad habit holding us back?
The lack of affordable child care options in the state is costing the state — not just on an individual level, but also in ...
The Boyd Center for Business and Economic Research at UTK says strong Tennessee in-migration will continue for two decades.
Connecticut's latest report on workplace ailments shows a 21 percent increase in reports and a surge in musculoskeletal ...
Researchers originally planned to compare water quality in white and minority communities, but found that the relevant data ...
Employees expectations are shifting Nicholas Bloom, a renowned expert from Stanford University, suggests that employees see ...
Measured as economic output, the study estimates that Americans’ mental health struggles collectively cost the U.S. economy ...
To evaluate future space needs, SmithGroup will use information provided by campus leadership on enrollment and staffing scenarios to model the amount of instructional, administrative and research ...
Interestingly, the data showed that when non-white workers move to new jobs after quitting, they often find employment in ...
As hospitals buy up medical offices and specialty clinics, hospital facility fees for routine doctor’s visits catch patients ...