At the moment, the anime currently has no release date yet. “Two best friends living in a rural Japanese village: Yoshiki and Hikaru. Growing up together, they were inseparable… until the day ...
“The Summer Hikaru Died” is a hit horror manga series about an ordinary high school boy, YOSHIKI, who experiences various mysterious incidents in his life with Hikaru, a mysterious being who ...
There haven't been many details released with regards to the cast list but we know the two main characters, Yoshiki and Hikaru, are being played by Chiaki Kobayashi and Shuichiro Umeda respectively.
The voice cast announced so far includes Chiaki Kobayashi (Gabimaru in Hell's Paradise: Jigokuraku) as Yoshiki Tsujinaka and Shuichiro Umeda (Kazuhiko Nukumizu in Too Many Losing Heroines!) ...
“The Summer Hikaru Died” is a hit horror manga series about an ordinary high school boy, Yoshiki, who experiences various mysterious incidents in his life with Hikaru, a mysterious being who imitates ...
Similarly, The Summer Hikaru Died series follows two best friends Yoshiki and Hikaru, both from a rural Japanese village. The official synopsis from Netflix reads: "Growing up together ...
"The Summer Hikaru Died" is a hit horror manga series about an ordinary high school boy, Yoshiki, who experiences various mysterious incidents in his life with Hikaru, a mysterious being who imitates ...
Our team was very dedicated to capturing the delicate emotions of Yoshiki and Hikaru, as well as the manga’s beautiful and innovative structure. We look forward to sharing it with you.” Netflix has ...
On November 27, 2024, the official YouTube channel of Kadokawa, a Japanese production company, released the first teaser video of The Summer Hikaru Died anime. The video has announced the series ...
TOKYO, Nov. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- CyberAgent, Inc. (Head office: Shibuya-ku, Tokyo; President: Susumu Fujita; TSE: 4751) today announced the television anime of up-and-coming award winning ...
Originally created by Mokumokuren for Kadokawa Shoten’s Young Ace, The Summer Hikaru Died is an eerie story that follows two best friends (and maybe even more) named Yoshiki and Hikaru.